About Us

Response24 is a crisis management company dedicated to the provision of security management consultancy on a worldwide basis to clients across a broad range of risk management disciplines including Product Recall, Kidnap & Ransom and Terrorism.
The Response24 management team has decades of experience helping clients to prepare for, respond to and recover from critical incidents worldwide, and with a global network of specialist consultants, have been retained by a number of major insurers in the Lloyd’s of London market over the last 25 years, as well as working directly with multi-nationals and SMEs.
The Response24 Team

Rupert Reid
Rupert is a former detective with the Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard. He has worked in corporate contingency planning and crisis management for over 30 years, establishing crisis response teams for a number of special risks insurers.

Gareth Sephton
Gareth manages the global operations of Response24. He has worked in corporate intelligence and security since 2010, joining Response24 in 2018 as the Head of Political Risk.